Thursday, January 15, 2009

Train to ride

Over the holidays, Chris and I went around various stores in the city in search for the perfect game. Unfortunately they were all either typical, boring or lame. The winter season can be such a pain! After getting sick of bomber-man on his x-box and me kicking his ass on Tetris every time, we were in search of a game that was foreign to the both of us.

Finally, he told me he bought this game online and it was about building trains. I was like how can building trains be interesting? But after we played the first game, I didn't let him go back to his work! Train to Ride Europe is the coolest game ever. Got me totally hooked!

It's really simple, basically about collecting cards and building train stations but you need to plan ahead and choose your winning strategies well. You can block the route of other players and build stations to use the route of other players. Points are calculated at each step you move and the routes you manage to complete. Incompleted routes causes a deduction of points too. It's simple but challenging.

Great game that you should totally check out! You can even play it online at

Trust me, you'll love it!

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